Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cup not always half full

Confession......On days when I am a little tired, I find that I am not as grateful as I should be. Today, I was reading some posts and there was one that caught my eye. The person was posting that they received DNA results today. I posted a reply and congratulated her, (after all, isn't that what our mothers have taught us, to be gracious?) Then I read the rest of her post and timeline. She was in PGN with no KO's, and she was approved from PGN AFTER us. She will be bringing home her child at a whoppin' 5 months old. This is wonderful news and I am glad for her, (diplomatic answer). But sometimes I want to revert back to 4 and whine, "Why not me" Don't get me wrong...I am tickled that our son is finally coming home and I love him to the moon and back. But, I guess, sometimes I get a little sad at how much we have missed. And you know...the fact that we continue to hit "bumps" in the road at every turn is a little tiring. I'm weary of the bumpy road, I would like smooth sailing for a little bit. Is that too much to ask? (Now I do sound like I'm whining) WHERE ARE MY ROSE-COLORED GLASSES!?! FOR GOD SAKE, PLEASE FIND MY GLASSES!!!
Paul, PAUL, P-A-U-LLL....Where did you put my glasses this time!?!


Karen D. said...

You are not whining- you are human! Honestly, I have felt the same way sometimes! I really felt it when I saw cases that went to PGN after Abbie and had KO's coming out before hers!

I love you and am praying for you! I can't wait to see you again and to meet Ben!


Anonymous said...

It has been said, "It is darkest before the dawn." Hang in there, the dawn is on its way ... really!


Anonymous said...

Gayle ~~

You have every right to be frustrated!! Girl you have been thru heck and back....it's amazing that you didn't have a nervous breakdown yet!!
